Thursday, December 17, 2009

So, this is my first post from my phone. I guess we'll see how it works out. On my way to work each morning, I usually get to enjoy the workmanship of our Creator in watching the sun rise. I generally try to savor the moment. Some mornings the display is more brilliant than others and some days it seems to last only for a short period of time. Today was a most glorious display which lasted most nearly all the way in to work. It truly brightened my day both literally and figuratively. This small thing was able to effect me in a positive way and makes me think about small things I can do to show the light of God's love to others.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

How are you? I bet you're very busy. How is Mrs. Claus handling the stress this year? Are the reindeer getting excited? I will be sure to leave them some tasty carrots. I'll be sure to leave out some nachos and cheese dip for you too. I don't want much for myself this Christmas. I have already been blessed more richly than I deserve. Please bring health and hapiness and I'll be sure to share it with those around me as best I can. Have a safe and happy Christmas.

With Love,


Monday, December 14, 2009

My First Post

Well...I now have a space in the blogoshpere. Prepare to be mind numbingly bored 8^)